Boyne Hill CC

Boyne Hill CC News story


01 Feb 2021

2020 is now behind us (good riddance most will say) and we dearly hope 2021 is so much better.  Preparations for what we hope will be a 'normal' new season are well under way.

Of course, everything is dependent on restrictions being lifted, but as it stands, we are working on the assumption the adult (TVCL) and colts (BYCL) cricket leagues will begin in May. 

To get the club ready for the season, we are aiming to hold our annual Cricket Force day on Saturday 20th March.  Please save this date and do come down to help out for an hour or so.

The current lockdown restrictions mean we are unable to use indoor practice facilities for winter nets.  Therefore, following Cricket Force (20 March), we plan to start outdoor training for adult teams, with colts age groups starting from Friday 23 April.  Lookout for further information in the coming weeks.

Finally, we usually hold our AGM on the first Friday in February.  Obviously with the current restrictions this is not possible, however we will hold the AGM later in the year when it is safe for us to come together.

Please stay safe, look after yourselves and we'll see you again soon at The Hill.